




正文 第六章

i know,i know i've let you down 我知道,我知道,是我让你失望了

i've been a fool to yself 我真是个傻瓜

i thought that i uld live for no one else 我还以为自己一人也能活下去

but now through all the hurt and pa 但现在,经历了这一切的伤与痛

it's ti for to respect 我该好好尊敬一下你不顾一切地

the ones you love an ore than anythg 珍爱的那些东西了

so with sadness y heart 就这样 悲伤充斥着我的心

(i) feel the best thg i uld do 我觉的自己最该做的

is end it all 就是结束这一切

and leave forever 然后永别了

what's done is done it feels so bad 一切都无法挽回了感觉很不好

what once was happy now is sad 曾经快乐的事现在只觉得悲伤

i'll never love aga 我不会再爱了

y world is endg 我的末日已经来临